Get Laid Organically: The Concept, Cause and Care of Impotence by D.E. STANELLI

Get Laid Organically: The Concept, Cause and Care of Impotence by D.E. STANELLI

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I-M-P-O-T-E-N-C-E. Do I have your attention women? Men? Just mentioning the word conjures up images of elderly, white-bearded men walking around with arthritic hips, bad knees, Poli-grip and multiple flavors of Ensure.This description is by no means intended to belittle our honorable elderly population, but unfortunately the word impotence, brings up “old-man” visions for many people.Indeed, it has been clinically shown that as we age our bodies do begin to change in numerous ways.Many of these changes occur more rapidly in some than in others. Sometimes these results are due to how well or how poorly we’ve taken care of ourselves over time.Then there are the inevitable changes that occur due to genetic predispositions. And we shouldn’t under-estimate the unexpected—you know, those things that can happen, but we did not plan for.Father Time shows no mercy. We’re all getting older by the minute. Eventually, we will no longer enjoy the same things we did during our younger days.And although aging does not mean a less thrilling life, provided we take care of our bodies and minds, there are changes taking place at the cellular level that cause bodily functions to process differently than during our youth.Sure, taking care of ourselves can slow the processes of aging, but it will not eliminate aging altogether…

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